New Hampshire Professional Loggers Program
Administered by New Hampshire Timber Harvesting Council
Upcoming Training Events
Additional Training Available: NH Timberland Owners Association workshops
Professional Loggers Program (PLP):
PLP is a voluntary certification program for New Hampshire’s loggers. This program teaches basic silviculture, wildlife management, and improving forestland aesthetics. It also teaches forest professionals about laws that govern their work and regulations that need to be followed. Another very important aspect of this course is safety. Every participant receives instruction in basic first aid, CPR, AED, and techniques for operating safely and productively.
Other sources for NH-PLP accredited training:
- Forest Resources Association: 207-745-2435
- Northeastern Loggers’ Association: 315-369-3078
- Society of American Foresters: 866-897-8720
- UNH Cooperative Extension: 603-862-2647

Contact Info
Cheri Birch, Program Director
NH Timber Harvesting Council
54 Portsmouth St.
Concord, NH 03301
Send an email