Classified Advertising

Each printed issue of the magazine typically carries between 8 and 10 pages of classified advertising divided among five categories (see below). Classified ads are sold by the column inch, with a one-inch minimum and half-inch increments available after that. Columns are 2.25 inches wide, so a one-inch ad will appear in a box measuring one inch high by 2.25 inches wide.

A one-inch ad will cost $75 for the first insertion, $70 if paid in advance. Repeating insertions will enjoy a $5 discount, costing $70 or $65 if paid in advance.

The deadline for classified advertising is the 15th of the month preceding the month of publication. For the June issue, for example, the deadline for classified ad copy is May 15. Ad copy can be mailed, emailed, faxed or given over the phone. Photographs and logos can be used in the ad at no extra charge, but will be billed for the space they use. A minimum 1.5-inch ad is necessary to include a photograph and description.

All classified ads will be typeset and sent to the customer for approval before being run in the magazine. Changes, corrections or additions may be made before the deadline specified at no extra charge.

Categories: For Sale, Logs, Wanted, Services, Positions

Contact information

For more information about classified advertising, please contact:

Kristin Armendola
Send an email

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