Advocacy & Public Relations
NELA participates in numerous coalitions whose viewpoints match those of our industry. We respond to issues facing the industry by contacting members of Congress and state legislators with the industry’s point of view. In The Northern Logger and Timber Processor, we include articles that provide timely information on political and social developments affecting the industry that are specific to our region.
NELA periodically produces public relations materials for use by its members. These include clothing, mud flaps, and other items emblazoned with a managed forest message.
Strategic Alliances
By virtue of membership in the Northeastern Loggers’ Association, all NELA logger members are also members of the American Loggers Council (ALC), the first national loggers’ group. The ALC is a federation of logging associations and councils that is interested in safety and training, professionalism among loggers, and protecting the rights of working loggers. NELA is also a member of the American Hardwood Export Council – an organization promoting American hardwoods internationally, and we work closely with the American Forest and Paper Association (AF&PA), The Hardwood Federation, and the Forest Resources Association (FRA).